Decisions can be reversed on appeal only if the authors provide convincing evidence that the original decision was based on a factual error or was taken as a result of biased reviewers comments. [CDATA[> Borkum Riff Pipe Tobacco, ]]> mugel2110 6 yr. ago. 1. platform chemicals from renewable resources. Under review means the application is being viewed by hiring manager. Following. This scheme only applies to original research articles, and not to Review articles or to other published content. A maximum of two resubmissions will be considered for each manuscript, following which a final decision on publication will be made. Perhaps, the subject editor assigned requires more time for assessing the manuscript. Full disclosure: Editage Insights is a product of Editage, a global provider of world-class scientific communication solutions. NG12627225021 Manuscript under editorial consideration, 2021-4-82020812738Revised2, ()4854, 72517812, 1520215. You will not know at which state is your manuscript. manuscript under editorial consideration nature methods. High Protein Tortilla Wraps, Improve the chances of your manuscripts acceptance by learning how to prepare a manuscript for journal submission and handle the peer review process. Editorial process often consists of shepherding content through the content lifecycle. The Nature of the Symbolic-Representational System in Cellular Protein Synthesis and Human Language Comprehension) 1973-1978 Northern Illinois University, B.S. While writing a peer review may take between 4 and 8 h, in only 19% of all reported cases authors were informed about the outcome in less than a month. Editorial & Peer Review Process. Hope this helps. Suggested clip (I used his account to submit)Other manuscripts went from "Editor decision started" to "Decision sent to author" in a single day, but mine is: 1 day on "Manuscript under editorial consideration", 1 day and counting on "Editor decision started". By policy, referees are not identified to the authors, except when they sign their reports to the authors. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate editor (AE) making the initial decision. If the authors ask the editors to consider the previous reviews, they should include a note explaining the relationship between the submitted manuscript and the previous submission and (assuming it has been revised in light of the referees' criticisms) give a point-by-point response to the referees. And, they were debating whether the paper would fit the scope of the journal. Now the tracking system shows the following: [CDATA[> Each review is due in ten days, and many of them do arrive in two weeks. Can I ask the editor to publish a withdrawn manuscript after acceptance? The accepted date is when the editor sends the acceptance letter. These are considered appeals, which are processed with lower priority than new submissions. st james hospital covid test price hotel with private pool in room los angeles //--> *, & Tian, L.* (2022).Fluorescence imaging of neural activity, neurochemical dynamics, and drug-specific . Your email address will not be published. . We had the same issue with an article in Science Translational Medicine. What is the meaning of decision in process status? If the reviewers wish to be named their names will appear in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in a statement as below: Any reviewers that wish to remain anonymous will be acknowledged using a slightly modified statement: If no reviewers agree to be named, we will still acknowledge their valuable service using the statement below: When making a decision after review, editors consider not only how good the paper is now, but also how good it might become after revision. . "Editorial assessment of reviews" can mean that all reviewer send back their reviews and "Manuscript under editorial consideration" could mean that the editor hit the button "look at review". 201451 [email protected] Final decision for XXXXX. The status changed to "Manuscript under editorial consideration" last night without it changing to "Editor decision started" like in other examples. When all remaining editorial issues are resolved, the paper is formally accepted. [CDATA[// >